Marina Gumzi je v Ljubljani, Berlinu in Parizu študirala dramaturgijo, gledališke študije in filmsko produkcijo. Od l. 2013 vodi studio NOSOROGI (Playing Men, Zgodbe iz kostanjevih gozdov, Fiume o morte!), mikro produkcijsko hišo, znotraj katere deluje kot producentka in avtorica. Kot soscenaristka in dramaturginja sodeluje z ustvarjalci mlajše generacije iz Slovenije in širše regije, ki ustvarjajo znotraj različnih ustvarjalnih disciplin. Med l. 2019 in 2020 je bila članica podiplomske študijske skupine Next Wave na Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie, v okviru katerega se je začela ukvarjati z novimi modeli filmske distribucije, sodobnimi trendi kuratorskih praks na področju AV medijev ter potencialov, ki jih za razvoj filmske umetnosti ponujajo sodobne tehnologije. Živi in dela v Berlinu in Ljubljani.
V zadnjem obdobju se posebej angažirano osredotoča na delo z AV projekti s poudarjenimi okoljskimi in socialnimi vsebinami, z raziskovanjem nekonvencionalnih formatov ter participatornih modelov produkcije vsebin, ter s sistemsko politiko za večjo vključenost takih vsebin v tradicionalne podporne mehanizme. S tem v zvezi je sodelovala v mednarodni raziskovalni skupini za prenovo mednarodnega sklada Eurimages za nekonvencionalne filmske formate, v delovni skupini za prenovo pravilnikov Slovenskega filmskega centra ter v projektni skupini berlinskega Teden kritike za oblikovanje utopičnega filmskega sistema.
V zadnjem obdobju se posebej angažirano osredotoča na delo z AV projekti s poudarjenimi okoljskimi in socialnimi vsebinami, z raziskovanjem nekonvencionalnih formatov ter participatornih modelov produkcije vsebin, ter s sistemsko politiko za večjo vključenost takih vsebin v tradicionalne podporne mehanizme. S tem v zvezi je sodelovala v mednarodni raziskovalni skupini za prenovo mednarodnega sklada Eurimages za nekonvencionalne filmske formate, v delovni skupini za prenovo pravilnikov Slovenskega filmskega centra ter v projektni skupini berlinskega Teden kritike za oblikovanje utopičnega filmskega sistema.
GuestRoomMaribor 2021
Marina Gumzi studied dramaturgy, theatre studies and film production in Ljubljana, Berlin and Paris. Since 2013 she has been running NOSOROGI (Playing Men, Tales from the Chestnut Woods, Fiume o morte!), a micro production company, where she works as a producer and writer. As a co-scriptwriter and dramaturg, she collaborates with younger generation creators from Slovenia and the wider region, working within various creative disciplines. Between 2019 and 2020, she was a member of the Next Wave postgraduate study group at the Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie, where she began to explore new models of film distribution, contemporary trends in curatorial practices in AV media, and the potential offered by contemporary technologies for the development of film art. She lives and works in Berlin and Ljubljana.
Recently, he has been particularly engaged in working with AV projects with an emphasis on environmental and social content, exploring unconventional formats and participatory models of content production, as well as systemic politics for greater inclusion of such content in traditional support mechanisms. In this context, she has participated in the international research group for the renewal of the Eurimages International Fund for Unconventional Film Formats, in the working group for the renewal of the Slovenian Film Centre's regulations, and in the Berlin Critics' Week project group for the design of a utopian film system.
Marina Gumzi studied dramaturgy, theatre studies and film production in Ljubljana, Berlin and Paris. Since 2013 she has been running NOSOROGI (Playing Men, Tales from the Chestnut Woods, Fiume o morte!), a micro production company, where she works as a producer and writer. As a co-scriptwriter and dramaturg, she collaborates with younger generation creators from Slovenia and the wider region, working within various creative disciplines. Between 2019 and 2020, she was a member of the Next Wave postgraduate study group at the Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie, where she began to explore new models of film distribution, contemporary trends in curatorial practices in AV media, and the potential offered by contemporary technologies for the development of film art. She lives and works in Berlin and Ljubljana.
Recently, he has been particularly engaged in working with AV projects with an emphasis on environmental and social content, exploring unconventional formats and participatory models of content production, as well as systemic politics for greater inclusion of such content in traditional support mechanisms. In this context, she has participated in the international research group for the renewal of the Eurimages International Fund for Unconventional Film Formats, in the working group for the renewal of the Slovenian Film Centre's regulations, and in the Berlin Critics' Week project group for the design of a utopian film system.
SobaZaGosteMaribor 2021
Projektor / Svobodni film in dominantni sistemi: Legitimnost konvencij v obdobju hitrih sprememb
okrogla miza na štirikotnem ekranu • 90 min
Sodelujoči: Gregor Božič, Nataša Bučar, Jasmina Cibic, Marina Gumzi, Katarina Jazbec in Matevž Jerman. Posvet je namenjen kolektivnemu razmisleku o novih, eksperimentalnih in nekonvencionalnih postopkih, vsebinah, formatih in okoliščinah za ustvarjanje in gledanje filmov z obzirom na dominantne standarde sistemov, ki podpirajo filmsko produkcijo in distribucijo. Govorili bomo o možnostih, potencialih, predsodkih in formalnih ovirah, ki jih ustvarjalke in ustvarjalci prepoznavajo pri svojih praksah ter so povezani z izven-standardnimi formati ustvarjalnosti znotraj sodobnega avdio-vizualnega medija.
Dogodek je del raziskovalnega dela producentke, avtorice in raziskovalke Marine Gumzi, v okviru katerega se ukvarja s sodobnimi nekonvencionalnimi filmskimi formati ter njihovo umeščenostjo v domači in širši avdio-vizualni pokrajini. Marina Gumzi je aktualna gostje rezidenčnega programa GuestRoomMaribor / SobaZaGosteMaribor. Udeležba je brezplačna. Za prejem povezave do dogodka se je potrebno prijaviti na
Dogodek soorganizirata Pekarna Magdalenske mreže in Film Factory
GuestRoomMaribor 2021
Projektor /Free Cinema and Dominant Systems: the Legitimacy of Conventions in an Era of Rapid Change
Round table on a square screen - 90 min
The panellists will be Gregor Božič, Nataša Bučar, Jasmina Cibic, Marina Gumzi, Katarina Jazbec and Matevž Jerman. The panel is aimed at collective reflection on new, experimental and unconventional processes, contents, formats and circumstances for making and watching films, taking into account the dominant standards of the systems that support film production and distribution. We will discuss the possibilities, potentials, prejudices and formal barriers that filmmakers identify in their practices and that are related to the extra-standard formats of creativity within the contemporary audio-visual medium.
The event is part of producer, author and researcher Marina Gumzi's research work on contemporary unconventional film formats and their positioning within the domestic and wider audio-visual landscape. Marina Gumzi is a current guest of the GuestRoomMaribor residency programme. Participation is free of charge. The conversation will be held in Slovenian language. To receive a link to the event, please register at